Friday, August 15, 2008

Dilled Pasta Salad

This is a good basic pasta salad. Feel free to experiment with different vegetables and possibly protein sources to come up with your favorite mixture. It is important to chill it for the recommended time before using.

2 Cups uncooked pasta, egg noodles work best, but we have also used Farfalle and Penne pasta

1/3 cup dehydrated onion, reconstituted½ cup freeze dried celery, reconstituted

½ cup dried peas, reconstituted or 1 cup frozen peas1

½ T Vinegar

3/ 4 cup mayonnaise

1 ½ t Dill weed, or more, adjust to taste

¼ t garlic salt

¼ t onion salt

Cook your pasta until tender. Drain and rinse under cool water until pasta is chilled. Drain completely when finished rinsing. Put into your mixing bowl and add hydrated vegetables. Mix vinegar, mayonnaise, dill weed, garlic salt and onion salt together and gently mix into the pasta. Chill for at least one hour before serving to give the flavors a chance to blend.

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